From a security standpoint? Not even close. From a software-release validation requirement, not even in the same galaxy. If they look the same, it’s only due to Clarke’s law.
From a security standpoint? Not even close. From a software-release validation requirement, not even in the same galaxy. If they look the same, it’s only due to Clarke’s law.
Don’t rely on your immune system to figure things out
… in time to keep you alive. I mean, given enough time, the body will figure things out. Vaccines are cheat-sheets to cut that time so it’s accomplished before the host dies.
If only they weren’t flatpaks. Ask a release engineer about importance of artifact validation and single source of truth if you don’t know why that’s a risk.
Compare Switzerland. Everyone after secondary school gets a year learning how to work as a team and practice interdependence.
Seems like it’s working really well for them, as they have more guns per capita and almost zero mass shootings. Maybe that’s the thing they’re doing right?
Personally I don’t have an issue with it as it’s the only chance I and other poor kids had for entering college.
My sister started a pet store. Took her 1 year to plan it all out and get it lined up. And she opened.
Theft was a constant problem from day one. Kids would steal aquarium filters and similarly pointless stuff. She installed cameras. She reported them to the cops. Nothing fucking changed.
She bailed out after a few years when the lease came up, losing her shirt but not her house, and now manages a vet hospital owned by some vets. They have no end of customers but definitely a list.
Steal from a retailer like that makes it okay? Just fuck you.
Apparently I still don’t have one. Haven’t had a phone number for about a decade. No SMS spam, no “survey” calls; nothing.
We invaded America. By accident.
There we were, traipsing along the border as part of basic training, and someone veered left. Rifles, green clothing, black boots, melon buckets. The border is really thin and a swath was well-trimmed, so it was prime walking route, and then we went to the wrong treeline. I mean, it coulda happened to anyone.
It’s just amazing how excited sergeants can get over the smallest of mistakes.
Bonus: my friends are parents of elementary-school children. ‘Skibidi’ is one of so many words they researched carefully to make sure and screw up its usage as often as they can. It’s a game, and I think they secretly keep score of eye-rolls earned. They’re doing hero’s work.
what Merriam Webster is smoking
Remember, Noah Webster fucked English for America, and then somehow they made a dictionary to keep fucking it. Just exclude it from any kind of discussion.
And, keep in mind, what’s popular has no bearing on what’s right. America has a chequered past with doing the wrong thing in great numbers.
There are three uses for each, intertwined.
Good luck.
Signal needs a phone number.
I don’t want to give them one. Also I don’t have one.
Oh my, that seems to eliminate Signal as an option.
Well signal’s out if you need a phone number. That’s ridiculous and I wish people would stop pushing it.
Also, I don’t have a phone number.
Phone/SMS 2FA is a joke. You can tell which organizations need to be ditched.
I often explain. Usually it’s spelling or ‘literally’. I get downvoted for it.
If the Internet went away, we’d have a little time before batteries were not viable even if replaceable, as distributing those batteries would get problematic.
We would have had no time to withdraw cash as cash, an important thing since banks will fall over at least enough to trigger an economic collapse.
No, we’re all gonna need to learn how to fight, and live without hospitals and drugs and probably electricity.
We have bigger problems than ensuring we can look up the capital of Rwanda on this cached Wikipedia while we listen to The Cure.
CheckMk user here via omd.
I’m looking for something else after the upgrade.
Black interface isn’t pretty for me and the old interface was “meh too hard so we ditched it”.
One half of the project split has a shit supply chain and just doesn’t meet the bar for upgrade requirements.
The other half of the project split is a mess to config in an automated desired-state setup. It’s all edge-triggered manual bullshit. NO. ENOUGH.
I miss 1.2 .
Debian will have snaps and flatpaks and all the same insecure black-box drek.
Given how much they violate ISO27002, I can’t see them ever being run in a regs-compliant shop.