West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021

  • For #2,

    For gaming, if you use steam, you may not face more than the following:

    • game does not work with no well known way to resolve. You can find this out by checking protonDB
    • game does not work because it needs to enable some options. Very easy to fix, and you can find the options on proton db for each game.
    • does not work because you didn’t setup steam right. You often need to enable proton, which in short is steam’s emulator or windows
    • does not work because your gpu drivers did not install. This depends on distro and they should all have a guide on how to do it, but usually it is just a matter of installing something.

    For programming, you will love your life because everything programming is way easier on Linux.

  • For #1, I’ve made the realization that most distros are lightweight skins or addons on top of another distro. Most of the time, if you start with the base distro, all you have to do is install some apps, change some configurations, and suddenly you have that other distro. It is much easier than doing a reinstallation.

    If you filter out all of these distros that only do a little on top of an existing, you’re left with a quite small number actually. I’d bet it’s less than 10 that are not super niche. Fedora, Arch, debian, gentoo, nixos are the big ones. There’s some niche ones, like void Linux and Alpine.

    So I’d say if you try all of those, you don’t need to try any more 😁

  • Just come ask here when you have trouble, and we’ll try to help.

    When troubleshooting, the biggest thing is searching the web honestly. But some more things to help you out: look for logs. Linux has loads of logs and sometimes can tell you how to fix the problem.

    Logs may not be immediately apparent. Some programs have their own log files that you can look into. Sometimes, if you run the program from the terminal, it’ll print out logs there. Otherwise, you read look through journalctl, although this has logs for everything so might be harder to search.

    Another useful tip, particularly for system tools and terminal tools, is manual pages. Just run man ls and replace ls with any command, you’ll get the documentation on how to use that tool.

  • There are many ways to do this, but the next up from users is using groups!

    For each file or data directory, create a group that owns it. This group should have the service’s user as member. Then create a user for running the backups, and add it to all these groups.

    The benefit of this is you don’t have to use root, and you have an association of directory to group that you can always change. You can for example grant a user access to a data directory by just adding it to its group.

  • can anyone rightfully claim it the land belongs to “Palestine”

    You should tell that to Israel, which is expelling Palestinians from this land every week for decades. It is not the Palestinians who are claiming the land exclusively to themselves and expelling others from it. It is Israel doing that. I find it crazy that you somehow argue this as if Palestine is doing that.

  • all this land is my country’s, the other country should not exist.

    One of those countries is an ethno-religious state that is exclusive of the other. Can you guess which one?

    If you are an ethno-religious exclusivist who says “your country shouldn’t exist only mine!” and I am a country that multi-religious, and say “actually my country should be the prevailing one, not your exclusivist one”, you gotta realize those two are massively different, unlike you portray.

    The Russo-Ukranian conflict is clear. One leader is claiming the land of the other

    Russia’s original pretext for the war is not about territorial gains. It was supposedly regarding Ukraine’s attack on Donetsk, Luhansk, and ethnic Russian populations in general (such as the Odessa massacre), what they also called “de-nazification” of the Ukrainian government, and Ukraine’s bid to join NATO. This is easily verifiable, but I can provide you a sources on this if you doubt me.

    I am not claiming what Russia is saying is true, but it is not what you make it seem to make your argument.