dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • That happens in Super Castlevania/4, and then subsequently un-happens and never fully comes back. I have no idea WTF was up with that decision. Being able to whip in all directions was rad.

    You can kinda-sorta whip diagonally upwards in Castlevania: Bloodlines and you can still do the thing where you hold the button down and fidget around impotently with the whip in Rondo of Blood and Dracula X, but that’s about it. Oh, and I guess you can do the thing in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon where you helicopter the thing around and it does crap for damage, too. Lame.

  • When deciding what to do, the order of trumps is legal, then prudent, then right. Do what is legal unless what is prudent is illegal, then do what is prudent. If doing what is right is neither prudent or legal, do it anyway because it’s right.

    Never start fights with people. Always be prepared to finish a fight someone else starts with you, quickly, without posturing, hesitation, or mercy. Regardless of their size, shape, color, creed, or uniform, bullies can never be allowed to win.

    When solving a problem, always start with the simplest possibility first.

    Never lend anyone: Your truck, your pen, your chainsaw, or your wife. No matter what, they’re going to do something with them that you’re not going to like.

    You can never have too many pens, flashlights, knives, or bullets.

  • The way you’ve described it is basically how it would have to work.

    Various ad-blocking detection technologies basically boil down to loading some element on the page and then querying for it during/after rendering to see if it’s still there. This could be combined with an AJAX call to load the actual content, which is how all those annoying sites work that pop a nag up in your face if you’re running uBlock or whatever. And even then you don’t get the content even if you subsequently block the nag notice.

    A truly undetectable adblocker would still have to pull down and load all the ad content and render it somewhere (invisibly in the background, presumably) and then serve a second cut down version of that page with the ad elements not rendered.

    Edit to add: This would be somewhat detrimental to the user, because it would by necessity not stop the types of tracking that are typically built into served ads. Current adblockers (like uBlock Origin) also by default also block various advertisers’ nonsense like cross-site tracking cookies and tracking pixels, etc.

  • Well, really fundamentalist whackdoodle strains of Islam actually go so far as to claim that no pictorial depiction of any living thing is allowed. They just get really extra touchy about old Mr. M.

    Jury’s out on how, exactly, that would stand up to things like television and photographs. But I’m not an imam and I don’t have the entirety of the hadiths in front of me so I don’t fuckin’ know. The whole thing is obviously wonky on its face.

  • My question is, if it is supposedly abominable to show a picture of Mohamed, thus there are no extant pictures of him, how does the claim that any particular doodle of a guy in a turban with a beard actually is a depiction of Mohamed stand up to logical scrutiny? (That was a rhetorical question. I know my error was actually in including the word “logic.”)

    You can’t prove it’s actually him. This could just be the Continuing Adventures of Captain Bomb Hat, an individual completely unrelated.

  • Ugh. I went through that for years with my sister. I finally got together with my brother in law and we surreptitiously threw away all the glass cutting boards after I was getting really tired of hearing her constantly bitching about all her knives being “crap.” This was such a tooth pulling exercise because she absolutely would not allow anyone to put two and two together for her. In her mind, all the knives constantly being dull was everyone else’s fault.

    Somehow I simultaneously “don’t know what I’m talking about,” but I’m also specifically asked to bring my entire kit every time I visit so I can sharpen every piece of cutlery in the house. Since apparently I’m the only one who can do it properly. Hmm.