Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Neither.

    I’m talking about this:

    The reason why it’s worse if she’s pregnant is because you took away her choice and opportunity to have that baby

    To each their own I guess. I personally would feel horrible about killing a child not just removing a temporary opportunity or something. I’m not saying it’s the same as an abortion, just that we on a fundamental level do understand that the fetus isn’t just a clump of cells.

    Go and find the context, see that they used lots of “I’m pro choice” language, but then went on to argue that an embryo is a child. This is someone using lots of careful language, but is making a specific argument.

  • My cat is a fetch cat. He loves to fetch.

    Every time he does a pounce on one of his toys and rabbit kicks it, or stalks it across the living room, I praise him for all his murder skills. I also will tell him that’s why he’s not allowed outside, he’s simply too fierce and terrifying and all the animals would die.

    He seems to enjoy the praise because if I don’t say anything he’ll keep playing, but when I praise him he runs back to me with his toy and a jaunty little prance for scratches.

  • I want to add another “everyone is different.”

    As in, my major depressive disorder is comorbid with ADHD. Which means my particular brain is wired like someone insane put it together.

    The ADHD diagnosis didn’t come until my mid-30s but the depression came before I was 10 years old, so I was trying everything on the market all those years. (Reminder to those of you still working on it that if there’s even one day of genuine joy to be found, all the misery will have been worth it, yes, even if it takes 20 years.)

    SSRIs for me are treating a problem with a solution I don’t have. My brain refuses to make serotonin. There isn’t any of it, so controlling it’s uptake is pointless.

    So it was just a massive variety of different types of numb, and different negative side effects. Of course, numb was preferable to misery, so I stayed on one or another for long stretches until I got the urge to try and find something that actually worked again.

  • I worked for Walmart in the mid 2000s.

    It’s not classist. That place is a hellhole. There’s a reason so many people who work there are on food stamps.

    It’s classist to be mad at people who live in food deserts and can’t shop elsewhere. It’s classist to be fine with the system that puts people in jobs that don’t actually support them. It’s classist to look down on folks who get stuck in those jobs. It’s not classist for someone to be unhappy that they got stuck in such a job.

    Fuck Walmart.

    (I worked there and was a CSM before being able to move to a better job in 2010.)

  • flicker@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAcoustic Pussy
    2 months ago

    I think women should share more stuff like this. Men on the internet have entire second languages for every part of their lived experience- I’d love if we could have the same openness about what women are dealing with.

    Like when Bachelor Frog was huge, then Bachelorette Frog happened.