Haven’t seen anyone mention https://frigate.video
They offer a list of compatible cameras, I’m currently using reolink with a bullet 3 along with a one other brand.
Friendly Neighborhood Computer man
Haven’t seen anyone mention https://frigate.video
They offer a list of compatible cameras, I’m currently using reolink with a bullet 3 along with a one other brand.
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
Dr who The 11 hour
Having been told about Dr who, and having seen a fee episodes prior. This one encapsulated the entire series for me and explained all of the why’s I had with previous doctors and previous companions
To have river song start with the 10th doctor and carry on just allowed me to inhabit any episode past or present.
Now as a whovien I will cheat and say part one and two of the pandorica was a fantastic episode.
With honorable mentions to the Christmas special with all three doctors
Can’t you both be right? One it is a very narrow complement and also it be very concerning that the “small tech” is also bowing harder than big tech.
But this may be the price for not donating?