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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • gmtom@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    4 months ago

    I’ve never been shot or held at gunpoint, but I have have the shit kicked out of me. But still if given the option to face a person with a gun and a person with the bare hands. I don’t think I’m going to pick the the guy with a gun.

  • gmtom@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    4 months ago

    I’m a woman (a trans one if that matters to you) and have experienced sexual assault and domestic violence from both men and women.

    I know the point that people are trying to make with the whole bear thing.

    But I think the friction comes from women talk about this as a theoretical to make a point, where men are thinking more literally.

    And I do belive that no one in there right mind, if actually given this option in real life, would pick a bear (unless maybe it was definitely one of the more harmless species).

    Each and every one of us, even those of us that have survived SA, have had countless uneventful interactions with men you don’t know. Even when it’s just one on one. And its mostly normal biases that makes us remember the shitty ones more. And something a lot of people forget is that the vast majority of SA victims already know their assailant, so the idea of a rando assaulting you is even less likely. So yes I would much rather be in the woods with a man, than a wild fucking animal. And if you’re a reasonable person, then you would too.

  • Then there’s my fucking cunt of a housemate who lkves on the floor above me that’s the loudest mother fucker on the face of the earth and fucking stomps around until 1am every night and opens and slams close every fucking draw and door in his room, and re arrnafes his furniture every night, then gets up at 6.30 in the morning so he can stomp around some more, hack up his lungs as loudly as humanly possible and slam every door in the fucking house before leaving for work exactly when my alarm goes off, specifically so I can’t have a single good night sleep ever.

    Sorry I may have some pent up anger.