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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • but if they aren’t working for you, pay someone else

    My realtor was never on time to a single showing. He never knew the answer to any question without taking time to look it up himself. He couldn’t remember my specifications and his reading comprehension was non-existent as I had to repeat myself many, many times to get any kind of point across.

    If I hadn’t gotten my house when I did, I would have dropped him. If I were any other kind of business owner and one of my employees acted like that people would think I was a fucking moron for keeping them on.

    Your realtor is your employee. Don’t be afraid to fire them for shitty performance.

  • Chiming in as someone who actually owns a few different anime on DVD/blu-ray.

    My whole thing is that I like good media. Anime is a medium. There’s good anime out there. As many have already said, those’re few and far between because the vast majority of people working in the medium seem determined to pigeonhole it as genre trash and perv shit.

    I kinda stopped watching anime early in my 20s. The late 00s into the 10s seemed like the absolute worst period of time for worthwhile anime being made. I’ve sat through a few more current big-name ones since then and shit hasn’t improved.

    So yeah, I don’t hate anime as a medium, I just hate like 99% of the medium’s content

  • I’ll probably get downvoted for it, but The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. The protagonist of the novel, first in a series, is the best example of a Marty Stu I have ever encountered in a book; Kvothe is the dullest, most offensively boring protagonist it has ever been my misfortune to meet. There’s absolutely zero narrative tension because the situation always boils down to “Kvothe wins immediately or Kvothe wins harder two chapters later.”

    I peaced out around two-thirds of the way through. Amusingly one of my complaints, that the book had an unnecessarily high amount of smut for something not advertised as, gets even worse in the second book. No thanks

  • I mean this purely as an observation, but: almost certainly literal child detected

    I’m in my mid 30s, and the people in my extended social circle around my age that don’t fire up a game at least once or twice a week are few and far between, even including the harried, busy, regular not-yet-grand parents, haha

    Quick edit: imo, the ones not playing video games at my age (again, in my area) are generally the ones who seem the least like they have their shit together. It’s weird but it’s a thing I’ve noticed

  • My appliances.

    The only “smart” appliance I own is a TV, and the ability to just press a few buttons instead of swapping inputs/cords to watch basically anything on it feels pretty futuristic. Even my dumb appliances have features now I never saw even in the rich kids’ houses as a kid in 90s. My toilet has a lid that is engineered to close slowly on its own with gravity instead of slamming. I can use the internet anywhere in my home from a handheld rectangle, man.

    I’m dating myself hard with this comment, I know, but as a guy in his mid 30s I’m pretty routinely struck by the thought of how sci-fi some of my commonplace stuff really is compared to what I thought shit would look like as a kid/teenager.