Pretending that is not tankie behaviour 😂😂
Pretending that is not tankie behaviour 😂😂
Doesn’t really look like you are jumping on platforms, But I could of course be wrong
Even if it works… it would not label him as smart, just unreasonably powerful (money full)
In his mind (to clarify)
I think illigal means dissenting (or brown)…
Killing protesters is too visible and often sparks outrage. Quietly deporting them or using behind-the-scenes methods to remove them is more discreet and allows the agenda to progress with less resistance.
It’s a travesty, really… next thing you know, they’ll be letting them win awards and have opinions…
Know, yes. Assume, no
The only thing that could make it even worse for conservative than beeing a successful brown woman Is if she was also dating a successful popular white man… oh wait…
It’s very hard to say without actually being in that position, but i guess it would depend on why I hate that job. But I hope it would depend on why I hate the job. Bad manager I could take for a few months but if its for moral or principal reasons I would like to think no. It would of course also be dependent on current financial reasons. Most likely i would stay, as I could live perfectly well a few months without a job, but you never actually know how long until you find a new job.
If you haven’t watched it, how would you know it’s garbage?
Well if you take the advice of randoms that far, you are just plain stupid and should not be in charge of your own actions
Then im sure you don’t deserve it. No reason to not be happy just because you don’t deserve to
But I would suggest start looking in weird places
My last good day is always and forever today. My (or your) circumstances should never impair my (or your) ability to be happy 😁 it sounds weird, but you are allowed (it is your right) to feel happy even as your life is crumbling around you. And if you can’t find that feeling, that’s alright too.
I like to occasionally post my socials so my FBI agent knows what to follow when they’re axed 🥺