Ram ranch, two trucks, alternating 7 times and then Alice’s restaurant once.
I believe this would result in a lot of mental breakdowns, and a newfound love of Arlo Guthrie.
Any Linux distribution should work on AMD CPUs, well, Debian based distros can sometimes have issues with particularly new hardware due to the long time between releases. But bazzite is fedora based so you should be fine with anything.
Nvidia GPUs work just fine with AMD CPUs.
Realistically the question is how high end of a CPU do you want, the mid to high end range AMD CPUs tend to be cheaper than their intel equivalents, but the highest end intel chips edge out the highest end AMD chips right now. Realistically, that won’t matter unless you are doing something super CPU intensive and just want the most power possible for your machine.
AMD CPUs also have better integrated graphics, not super important if you have a dedicated GPU, but, there are times when having a second somewhat capable graphics processor could be useful.
I think it’s less that they intentionally under deliver, and more that how the actually run leads to bad products. The executives and consultants brought in try and run studios like they’re software companies. Which, yes, technically video games are software, but they’re more than that.
With a lot of software, a short turn around is important if you want to make sure your product isn’t outpaced by a competitor before it even launches. bugs can be patched out over time so shipping with a few bugs is fine so long as you’re getting to market as soon as possible. Breaking the project up in to lots of small items that can be independently worked on without interfering or relying on other items means you can expand the team easily to keep up with deadline.
On a video game, consumers care more about the experience of the released product and less about it being the most technically advanced. Huge bugs at release mutes any excitement, even if the issues are patched out later. Multiple teams working on a bunch of items in parallel will struggle to make a cohesive experience and the design guidelines put in place to make this possible will mute creativity. A handful of cohesive long quest lines makes for a better RPG than a 100 little independent quest scattered over the map.
Better to have smaller teams that work over longer time frames and release a product when it’s ready, 150 million dollars will make a much better product with a 100 person studio over 6 years than a 300 person studio in 2 years.