The poor have it
The rich need it
If you eat it, you will die
The poor have it
The rich need it
If you eat it, you will die
Anything aviation. Metrology principles of flight engines pneumatics hydraulics avionics
Amazing for reading docs
That’s a very impressive feat, those things are monsters
With 20 people handing you a milk packet every second
A ceasefire gets signed overnight and we have a two state solution and the tens of thousands of illegal settlers in the west bank take their ass home
I wish I had a rubber stamp of the words “Marx baybeee” every time someone complains about something he already described ~200 years ago
This, linux is actually much easier for older games
No not mine, thermal performance always goes haywire 😔
I was wondering why they still sold servers with disk drives
Chinese youtube chef recommends washing chicken to reduce the albumin levels and help tenderize, never tested it personally and I definitely don’t wash meat
Sophisticated murder is still murder. People were still sent to camps based on their ethnicity and were worked or starved to death at least (if you’re about to deny the death camps)
This genocide is more barbaric, bloodthirsty and sloppy but let’s not pretend like the Nazis are suddenly looking better because they were better organized
Waa it fast thinking or just instinct
I personally couldn’t figure out smoking until I had the first levels down but by all means go big, just be prepared to microwave your food after or eat it overcooked
I believe it’s mostly about heat management (of the food and the grill) here’s my list:
1: internal heat not relevant, just an exterior sear like precooked hotdogs
2: managing internal temperature and getting a nice sear on multiple pieces the same size, like salmon fillets or steaks or chicken breasts or chicken legs
3: multiple unevenly sized pieces, like a parted chicken. Wings cook fast, breast has a thick part that needs attention, legs need to be cooked to a higher temp, etc
4: adding smoking into the mix, managing the heat and the wood constantly. Especially hard on charcoal
5: brisket or competition style chicken
94% of gaza’s population has survived, Israel’s economy is irreparably damaged, army completely demoralized and political legitimacy has been shattered. What an abject failure
The hasbara has been extremely sloppy as of late and failing miserably so it’s understandable. Not sure what a more sophisticated genocide denial is going to do
Every last chan? Every?
A fixed rate for the entire mortgage, like 20+ years?
Few things blew my mind even though I’ve been a big fan of Chinese economic and political policy for a while
They actually really like Soviet Culture, the marching soldiers and flags etc. Soviet rock like Kino and the like is very popular!
They’re casually Marxist, its not something they have to fight to learn about so socialism is a casual existence for them. I figured the youth would be “too cool or hip” but doesn’t seem to be the case
They’re very similar as gamers, they really like shooters like battlefield and cs go. I assume their MMOs are different but I’m asking about that
It truly is a massive cultural exchange the likes of which have never been seen before. I’m trying to find out if they grew up on the same games, Morrowind Deus Ex Thief Ultima Online D&D etc