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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • There must be some moderation or the loudest but stupidest would have the rest of us unable to have discussions. I don’t agree with demoting the entire mod team but ehh, cats are obligate carnivores. Not giving them meat will make them sick and possibly die. Encouraging that contrary to reality is encouraging animal abuse. If they want a vegan pet it can’t be a cat.

  • More than half of the world’s aircraft carriers including Russias drydocked one.

    The largest airforce in the world is the US air force. The second largest is the US army. The fourth largest is the US navy.

    There’s a lot to shit on the US for, the size and capability of our military ain’t it unless you’re talking about how it is too large.

    We don’t have straight manned capacity (3rd to China and India respectively). However China and India don’t like one another and in fact just had a border clash not that long ago. So I’m including India against China, possibly Iran and neutral on Russia (with oil as a bargaining/diplomatic factor).

  • By ourselves not easily. But such a war is World War III…everyone is getting involved.

    Russia has already shown their military is subpar. Ukraine aid has still been quite limited in terms of how much of the more advanced stuff we’ve been willing to give them and ability to strike Russian targets. They’ve already got over 500,000 casualties not to mention equipment losses. They’re starting with a disadvantage regardless of how Ukraine turns out. Biggest issues from Russia-owned GOPers continuing to detract and otherwise make full support difficult as well as disinformation campaigns.

    The middle east is difficult. Question of getting bogged down (as per usual) as well as nuclear concerns. With NATO support on one side and opposing Russia-China support the other. Israel would likely be the biggest ally here(it is a major reason they get military support from us) and already have advanced weaponry and of course genocidal rage. Something something about enemies and enemies.

    China would be the most difficult issue if already engaged with Russia and Iran. Numbers and military quality are certainly a concern. All the outsourced manufacturing would also be a major headache, honestly not certain which side would be hurt more by that economically. That said many nearby countries would probably be willing to aid in small and large ways because of dislike of China. Furthermore their last major military engagement was in Vietnam 1979 with skirmishes until 1991. So 30-40y on most Chinese commanders and infantry don’t have actual battle experience. So question of quality and whether with allies we could stand up to their manpower and manufacturing capacity.

    Not certain how much Africa would come into play as that’d be a real mess.

    All in all, winnable or not would only be determined by actual battle. Major losses of life for all involved.

  • Volunteered in a life science research lab in high-school due to a mix of high school requirement and parental connections.

    Went to college, had some personal shit that meant I didn’t really do internships or the like. Liked mol bio but had been aiming for vet school since I was like 5. Tried for vet school and got very denied (meh grades and probably subpar rec letters relatively speaking not to mention a lack of spots for out of state residents).

    Got a job in bone research (~25k/y) and moved back to the south. Dad convinced me to try for med school but I realized patient interaction was not for me. Then decided on PhD(30k/y). Got in and moved up north. Finally finished (fairly recently actually), met and married wife during the PhD but had to stick in the area for her so started a postdoc. So now I get 54k/y until the university catches up to the NIH saying 60K (after the recommending committee said at least 70k to stop losing everyone to industry and let people be able to live…).

    After wife is able to move, not sure what’s next. I’m going to try for professorship or I’ll have to go to industry.

  • Paperback. I’ve sometimes waited for paperback versions of books after their initial hardcover release. Cheaper, lighter, same reading, I used to be less patient so would suck it up and get the hardcover, nowadays I don’t read as much so waiting is easier. I read a lot when traveling and hardcovers are just such a pain. The only “nice” collection I have is LOTR+hobbit.

    I’m trying out an eReader soon but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get away from the desire of physically turning pages.