just me
all my problems of suddenly waking up in the middle of the night to drink a whole glass of water and splash my face in the sink were solved when i got a humidifier
my favourite photo i’ve ever taken :) of my favourite little critter
this doesn’t really apply to billionaires, the same people who oppose things like student debt forgiveness will also lick billionaires’ boots and present them as the role models of the “american dream”
it’s the bitter people who had it hard in life, and think new generations having it easier is something bad, it’s unfair, even though as a civilisation we should all strive to make life easier for those who come after us. but no “if i had it bad in life, you have to go through the same, or you’re not really [insert whatever group you feel like, man/woman/american/minority]”, as if struggle and suffering was a right of passage
“if i can’t have it, nobody should have it”
also applies to everyone who opposes progress because they had it hard in life
honestly depends on what you’d use it for
if games + small work - steamdeck
otherwise idk
>get sued a week later when a real hacker breaks into their system and the IT department notices a security flaw that would easily be addressed by first few staps in pen testing
do they really need changing that often though
i don’t go to bed covered in mud so all my sheets get is a bit of occasional sweat at night, i don’t get why we should change them so often. they don’t even smell!
same, i could even do both at once. for some reason my right hand can do everything but effectively give me pleasure
chances are they’d scam children if they had any money. Scum like that target easy victims
i have difficult & long unique passwords for each of the important things (emails, bank, any official gov or edu sites etc.) that i keep on a piece of paper in my notebook (with a few backup copies). And i also have 3 degrees of difficulty for my other passwords that i use like this: easy “i could not care less if this account got hacked, in fact i know this password has been leaked in plain text before so whatever”, medium “i’d kinda suck if this got hacked but ultimately it’d not cause major issues”, hard “i do not want this to be hacked”
yup, you can never “boy who cried wolf” yourself about possible and realistic emergency situations. Sure it sounds like a joke - but it either:
is, nobody does anything, and nothing happens
is, gets taken seriously, and some time and resources are wasted
isn’t, gets taken seriously, and a disaster is avoided
isn’t, nobody does anything, and people end up dead or injured
a small waste of time and resources is always a better outcome than possible death and injury
it’s like a special category of words idk, grammar theory is my weakest point
data can be one point of data, and data can be many points of data
yeah don’t worry, i’m not either, everyone learns at some point! :)
data is already a plural word friend! “datas” is confusing to read
ah of course, money
strange, most IT professionals will tell you the only thing you need is Windows Defender and an ability to think before clicking strange download buttons
why would i trust a company with my files when i can simply make my own backups on my own disks without having to pay ransome (subscription) to access my things
what a brave new world we live in eh?..
i’m good on CO2, just water and kind words please uwu