Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yeah, I know Sanders isn’t a hawk, and I probably would’ve voted for him in 2016 largely on that issue despite disagreeing with him on most other policies. But that doesn’t mean he’d pull funding from Israel, he’d just put conditions on it (only used for defense, and maybe require not targeting humanitarian aid trucks), but money is fungible so I don’t think it would help much.

    And to say the issue has nothing to do with religion is fanciful thinking. Yeah, Hamas claims that in their manifestos, but their manifestos are absolutely religious. They’re not necessarily anti-Judaism, but they’re justifying the conflict in religious terms. They’re anti-Zionist, and Bernie sharing a religion (on paper at least) with the US’ Zionist ally could be a significant issue for credibility if the US is to try to get involved in peace talks.

    At the end of the day, Hamas wants Jerusalem, which isn’t happening because it’s such an important site to both Judaism and Islam. That has everything to do with religion, and it’s why neither Israel or Hamas are interested in a two-state solution. Ending the occupation and freeing hostages wouldn’t end the conflict, things would just go back to how they were: terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. That won’t end until Hamas controls Jerusalem, and it might require elimination of the state of Israel.

  • I 100% agree. In 2016, she got dead last in my preference for Democrat candidates, and that was completely validated when Tulsi Gabbard completely wrecked her. In the last 4 years, she did absolutely nothing to gain my confidence in her. I don’t believe she’s a good person, a good politician, or even a good candidate.

    But somehow she’s better than Trump. Maybe. I’m actually not sure anymore, because police and prison reform are really high on my list of priorities.

    I’m definitely not voting for Trump, that’s a given, but I’m most likely not voting for Harris. If I lived in a swing state, maybe I’d reconsider, but I don’t so I’m not throwing my vote away to a candidate I strongly dislike. I hope Trump loses, but I don’t necessarily hope Harris wins. Screw them both, Trump should be locked up and Harris should stay home.

  • Many of those have nothing to do with Biden’s performance (this covers almost half):

    • job growth etc - this is just the pandemic “ending” and NCOV2019 becoming endemic, it has absolutely nothing to do with what Biden did
    • American Rescue Plan - sure, and I’m pretty sure Trump would’ve done the same, given that he pushed for getting the vaccine available
    • Americans are no longer deployed overseas - are we not counting Iraq and surrounding regions? Also, Trump initiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s only real contribution here was to delay but still withdraw, but he did withdraw (that’s a fantastic thing)

    Then the “meh”:

    • judges confirmed - isn’t that just… business as usual? When positions open, they need to be filled
    • black women in Court of Appeals, LGBT/Native American in cabinet - okay? Assuming they were the best people for the job, it’s not really something I’d reelect a president for
    • climate investments - how effective have those investments been? I don’t know the specifics, but 8 charging stations have been built; that’s… not great

    And the notable:

    • infrastructure bill - I’m not super familiar with it, but I’m guessing a lot of the rest are related to this
    • most Americans with health care - is this related to something he did? If so, that’s cool.
    • clean water - aside from random horror stories like Flint, MI, clean water really isn’t something I think about

    But the majority of those are legislative actions, not something the president does directly, other than sign bills into law. Here’s what I do expect the president to do:

    • diplomacy - diplomacy with Hamas and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, Iran, and China has been pretty bad; we’re closer than ever to war with China and Iran
    • balance the budget - yes, the president doesn’t control what Congress authorizes, but the executive branch has a lot of say in what that budget ought to be; the deficit is still massive, and I haven’t seen a lot of evidence of cuts (2023 was higher than 2022), and borrowing rates are quite high
    • pardons - resolving Julian Assange’s legal issues was a good start, but what about Edward Snowden? Ross Ulbricht?

    Trump is, perhaps, worse on the above (though he promised to free Ross Ulbricht), but that doesn’t make Biden good. And Biden being older and less capable means he’ll probably have a harder time doing the first two.

    Biden is… mediocre at best, he doesn’t really excite anyone. Trump is different, so maybe he’s appealing to undecided voters, idk. For me, I live in a state that’s essentially fixed on who will win here, so I’ll be voting third party because I think that’s the most valuable use of my vote.