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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Look, i’m buying two hard drives no matter what to anticipate a drive failure. In that case, if i’m anticipating a failure anyway, might as well buy them second-hand and, yes, save a ton of money.

    The key is to look for a CrystalDiskInfo screenshot in the ad, which is indicative of a serious seller and also lets you know the drive’s condition. If you buy from a professional, you may get a warranty.

  • Allright knuckleheads, here’s what you do:

    1. Follow people who’s content you’re interested in

    2. Browse Following and not For You

    3. That’s litterally it

    I get so peeved when people browse algorithmic feeds and then complain that they see bad content. You fools. You cretins. I’ll have you know that i actually have a pleasant experience on Twitter AND THAT’S NOT A JOKE, i genuinely have a good time on a bad website purely because i stay away from the For You feed. It’s literally that simple. The only time i get conservative propaganda is when someone i follow quote tweets it with a snarky response.

    I’ve had someone assume i was a nazi because i’m still on Twitter and i got a little (too) mad at them because we clearly don’t share the same reality. They browsed For You and quite rightfully left the site never to return, and they don’t understand how i’m able to stay; no shit, i’m able to stay because i don’t browse Following.

    Now the thing is, this is how i’ve always used the internet, from the start i’ve built my follows list with this browsing habit in mind so i only follow like 200 people with the specific purpose of seeing their content; but for a lot of users, following is more like pressing “like” on a profile, and they end up following 5000 accounts. In that case you’re gonna get way too much content sprayed at you and pruning your follows list is going to take forever. I don’t know what to do in that situation tbh

  • Here’s the thing that makes Minecraft’s world so much more dangerous: we have life-threatening creatures in the real world too, but they are living creatures bound to the laws of ecology; if you build a city without large herbivores, you can be sure that this city won’t have tigers in it, because they need those to live. A tiger would need to physically walk from the forest to the city, with ample opportunity of getting spotted. Hell, killing the last tiger is a safe way to never have to worry about them again, since they need to reproduce sexually, and if there are no tigers left in an area then no new ones will appear out of nowhere.

    Minecraft creatures, meanwhile, do appear out of nowhere. It doesn’t matter if you’ve depleted the world of every last zombie, new ones can spawn absolutely anywhere, even within the safest possible area, all it takes is a small corner of mild darkness. Or does it? Because i’ve had random mobs spawn in extremely well-lit built environments where i was convinced they couldn’t.

    Minecraft’s creatures cannot be definitively excluded from an area, nowhere is really safe beyond doubt even if the place is built entirely out of light-emitting blocks.

    Then again, people do live in areas with venomous snakes and scorpions, those have a similar “potentially anywhere” threat as Minecraft mobs, yet people seem fine. They don’t live in fear all the time. Then again again, snakes and scorpions are passive and only attack if you make physical contact with them, whereas Minecraft mobs actively look for you.

    So yeah, nowhere is truly safe in Minecraft, there’s genuinely always a possibility that you’ll need to defend yourself from some horror.