I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.world
    2 个月前

    See? Like I said, you need the drama. Now, allow me be added to the numerous people that have tried to explain to you:

    Definitively- drag isn’t a gender. Therefore by definition- it cannot be an act of misgendering to opt not to use it. Just like when all the conservative clowns tried to argue that they identify as an attack helicopter to illustrate whatever stupid point they were trying to make.

    And surprisingly, we can actually use their dumb shit to illustrate the point here:

    If “attack helicopter” isn’t a gender, (as is what they’re trying to say) then neither can “drag” be a gender. Especially since, as you even said: it’s because you RIDE dragons. Which means, you’re a dragon RIDER, which, like attack helicopters, by definition is a NOUN- not a pronoun.

    You’re making a mockery of pronouns. You know it, and I know it. And you’re using it to bait people into violating rules so you can report them.

    This needs to be reached by as many people as possible until the right thing is done about it.