I was watching a video and it got me thinking about this. We all know the type. The Jewish friend who comes over every year to ask if you have any leftover Easter ham. The Buddhist who everyone will brag saved them in the war. The Bahai who adheres to reincarnation instead of Heaven. The other day, I met a Muslim walking his pet pig. A match made in Heaven.

What’s the biggest deviation from the norm you’ve seen in someone of a certain religion who otherwise would show they genuinely believe in it?

  • Zhayl@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    So sorry to hear that. Being cheated on is one of the most painful experiences. But it is a common thing I’ve seen from religious people. My best buddy found Jesus again because he is dating a married woman that is hardcore religious. They’ve been cheating together for nearly 15 years now. She is married to her husbands money and strings my buddy along like a puppy. Looks down on others because they don’t do what she believes the bible wants. Fantastic hypocrisy right? I do hope there is an actual Hell for those type because they rarely suffer the consequences for their lack of following their own religion.

    • subiaco@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      You know it was a pretty awful ordeal. She had her boyfriend serve me. Plus all our church friends threw her a party. Was really painful. It helped me along to become an atheist.

      • Zhayl@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Sorry to hear you converted under such crappy circumstances. One of the first things I began seeing in “religious” people, not all mind you, is the hypocrisy. Once you start to see it it is everywhere. But it can make you a better person too. You don’t have to rely on “god” encouraging you to do something. You have the power and moral to be a good person, not be gauged by some sky father for your actions. To me it makes it mean more when a person does it out of personal responsibility than “because god said” types. Tons of others out there with similar stories, keep your chin up brother.