Chegg still exists!?
One shitty company suing another shitty company; nothing more enjoyable to watch!
May the shittiest company lose (before both being blasted into the sun)
It’s as ironic as OpenAI accusing DeepSeek of plagiarism. Chegg hardly produces content. Last time I checked, most of Chegg’s content comes from textbook solution manuals.
WTF is a Chegg?
At one point they were one of the cheapest places to buy used textbooks, no idea what garbage they do now.
Something lazy professors use to get science and engineering problems to use for tests
They are mostly known for being a paid platform where you can steal finished homework, but I guess they do more than that these days. They run the Busuu language app now
looks like cheggs are back on the menu boys
Why do they want google scraping text they paywalled, they decided this