I have been using KDE for a while, while I like many features I am looking for suggestions to the default email client:

Kmail - completely unusable for me and the only one which could maybe be integrated with kontacts, it could not receive mails from IMAP or pop or would receive only sometimes

Geary - good but too minimal, I need at least some kind of contact list and mailing lists feature, maybe this integrates with gnome contacts? I couldn’t find anything in settings

  • steeznson@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Has anyone got gmail or outlook working via SMTP in the past couple years? I was using the former with emacs gnus and then it started demanding additional auth that I couldn’t provide via a simple file, then in the past 6 months the latter stopped letting me log in.

    My ~/.gnus file was like this -

    setq user-mail-address "my.name@hotmail.co.uk"
          user-full-name "My Name")
    (setq gnus-select-method
          '(nnimap "outlook"
               (nnimap-address "imap-mail.outlook.com")
               (nnimap-server-port 993)
               (nnimap-stream ssl)))
    (setq smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp-mail.outlook.com"
          smtpmail-smtp-service 587
          gnus-ignored-newsgroups "^to\\.\\|^[0-9. ]+\\( \\|$\\)\\|^[\"]\"[#'()]")

    ~/.authinfo (encrypted with gpg) -

    machine imap-mail.outlook.com login my.name@hotmail.co.uk password **** port 993
    machine smtp-mail.outlook.com login my.name@hotmail.co.uk password **** port 587

    I think I might need to start hosting my own email server because every authentication option on these services requires some extra step or fingerprinting that gnus can’t provide. Maybe I should give up and try Thunderbird to see if that would work.

    • Isaac@waterloolemmy.ca
      3 days ago

      I spun up a mailcow instance relatively simply through elestio (new to me devops as a service). Takes a few clicks, let’s you pick your cloud provider and has pretty slick admin UI to manage firewalls and dockerfiles etc.

      I’ve never setup an SMTP server before, but I’ve decided to with my “buy Canadian” initiative to eschew the tech-oligarchy at every turn I can. Not for Canadians sovereignty alone, but to help get rid the planet of billionaires by starving them of their capital.

      But I digress, mailcow makes setting up DNS a breeze and elestio makes mailcow a breeze. I’ve actually spun up this Lemmy instance on elestio too, just so nice its a game changer. Here’s info about mailcow https://elest.io/open-source/mailcow and no I’m not affiliated with elestio, just seems solid thus far (only been using it for a month, but support is on point too).

    • steeznson@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      Ok going to try Thunderbird tomorrow and if it works then I’ll see if I can reverse engineer whatever it does into gnus