So, I have a Steelseries M800 keyboard and a Corsair mouse. Unfortunately neither of them are supported by Open RGB, and so I’m stuck with my RGB making rainbows.

Well, sort of. My keyboard still has the configuration it had from when I still used Windows over 2 years ago. But my mouse does not.

I use an XP Pen tablet for making art, and the official driver from XP Pen doesn’t come with any options to adjust and calibrate the screen’s colours, but I managed to figure out how to access these hardware settings through command line. Now this has me wondering if it’s possible to do the same for my keyboard and mouse.

    1 month ago

    Your primary search term here should be the USB ID. Model numbers can help but so many things are rebadged or go through cost optimization where different revisions require entirely different drivers.

    Plug in the device and see what dmesg or lsusb says. Search for that device ID, if you don’t find any good matches search for the manufacturer ID – frequently a newer model builds on older models code bases and APi.