Sue me - change me into Susan
I guess.
It would’ve been funnier if a trans woman whose chosen name was Susan said that before going for the sex change. Or, I guess, more specifically, went to get her name legally changed to Susan. Elsewise it just sounds like OP was a big Johnny Cash fan.
This joke is a pretty good punchline but you would need more setup. Mom working at a sex change clinic is a good start but you need a reason to make the pun make sense in both senses.
Genuinely don’t get the pun, what is it? Non-native in English here.
“so sue me” is a relatively common saying meaning you think you did nothing wrong so you’re challenging the other person to take you to court over it if they really want to litigate what you did. (Not literally ofc, it’s a saying)
Sue is also a common name for a girl in America so walking into a sex change clinic and saying “Sue me” is a funny way to ask for gender reassignment surgery.
Was it called Expert Sex Change?
Sex exchange?
Expert ones, no less.