I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • That shit is so scary. Those people were ready to exterminate others out of pure hate and brain washing. It made me think about how the more extreme MAGA people today refer to liberals/Democrats. It’s like they’re heading down the same path. It’s insane that that many people can fall into that type of mentality with the freedom of information we have today. They’ve been trained to only believe a certain narrative, but instinctively disbelieve and see as enemy anything that goes against it. Freedom of thought is not an option for them. Crazy af.


    Often times, games underplay the medical and psychological impacts of traumatic events, so we unconsciously think that we would generally be fine if we were to experience a car accident.

    Trigger warning of car accidents and general PTSD

    If you get in a car accident, you end up in the ICU and can’t get out of bed for weeks at the least. Once you get out, you have to complete physical therapy over months to get a portion of your mobility back. Once you are out of the hospital and no longer have the 24-hr support of sympathetic medical staff…

    PTSD and grief! The person develops PTSD and has relevant triggers that uncontrollably illicit sympathetic nervous system activation (fight-or-flight). At first, it’s only car stuff. A car back fires? Person zones out their environment, time slows down, and only nearby cars that are brightly glowing amd have the video quality sharpness set to max. Literally everything else is blurred and muffled out. The activation lasts for a while. When the person comes back, they’re embarrassed. Slowly, they start cutting away people from their life as more stimuli begins to trigger the person and can’t function in social settings without self-medicating. Eventually, they develop a drug problem just to make it through the day, while experiencing insomnia every night. But wait, there’s more! There was a close friend with them in the car that died in the accident, so whenever they are reminded of said person, they fall into crying spell and can’t function for a while as they wrestle with the guilt of feeling responsible for the loss. The insomnia and overwhelming loneliness ensures that they wake up with only half their health everyday.

    While morbid af, I think it would help advocate for victims of trauma and loss. Also, it might encourage to people think before they behave in ways that are too risky when driving.

  • This sounds like a bs answer someone comes up with during a live debate. It’s a bunch of random meaningless pseudo-factors. Earth’s hotspots? A likely source of nitrogen and water of the correct isotopes?? wtf are you talking about?? lmaooo 🤣🤣

    So yeah, the reason Jupiter is the largest of the planets within 100 AU of Sol is likely due to the asteroid belt’s Eunomia family, Ganymede being larger than Mercury, and the bow shock of the magnetosphere interacting with the Solar Wind which is beyond anything else seen in the Solar System.

  • Every single corporation is doing what they’re legally bound to do: increase profits for shareholders. Companies don’t and never have cared about the customer. They care about a customer as much as you care about an NPC. What’s with people thinking that they ever cared??

    Of course MS is using that data. Why wouldn’t they?? Would they lose customers if people found out? Nope. If you were in charge of making that decision, you would use that data too. And if you’re too held to your privacy morals, you’ll never be in that position at MS because they only place people that will decide to maximize profits.

    Here’s how you know a company is doing something: Would it make them more money? Then theyre doing it. That’s it.

    Also, it’s MICROSOFT!! lol Not Mozilla, RedHat, Canonical, or the Linux Foundation. Remember when someone shoved a pie in Bill Gates face?

  • I’m straight, but had a phase of special interest (♾️) in this topic, so here is goes.

    Infodump on LGBT Rights in Cuba

    Cuba is a bit odd with gayness. Ernesto “Che” Guevara was openly homophobic. Relations with the Soviet Union also resulted in strong control of sexuality in Cuba following the revolution in 1959 and slowlyyyyy starting to ease up in the 1980s. In the 80s, Cuban agencies started advocating for sexual freedom, such as the Ministry of Culture stating that “homosexuality” was valid and homophobia should be opposed by the government. In 1986, the National Center for Sex Ed (CENESEX) supported that sentiment and argued that homophobia should be countered by public education. In 1993, a Cuban film called Fresa & Chocolate (Strawberry & Chocolate), which argued that being gay wasn’t anti-revolutionary came out. The movie was internationally praised. The major implication was that the Cuban government was changing it’s tone because nothing with that level of of production can be made in Cuba without approval from major political players. In fact, the Cuban military started officially allowing service members to be open about identifying as LGBT (yep, even trans!). Still, there was a push back in the 1990s. For example, people weren’t allowed to dance together in same-sex pairs, and several night clubs known for LGBT clientele were raided by police. Around ~2010, Mariela Castro (Raul Castro’s daughter) started organizing an LGBT rights movement that even carried out major protests in Havana. Fun fact: Raul Castro is known amongst the Cuban population as the la China de [un lugar] (the Chinese Woman of [someplace]; I can’t remember where exactly, but maybe the Orient of Cuba) and known for being gay. Around the same time, Fidel Castro also took some responsibility for the oppression of LGBT in Cuba. Finally, in 2018, the Cuban assembly voted to legalize same-sex marriage, and in 2022, it became official.

    Personal Input

    I was born in the US to Cuban parents, but have been to Cuba a lot and my Cuban father was a major proponent of Cuba who taught me a lot about it. I have gone to Cuba over 20 times from around 1993-2018, always staying with family and one trip was a month long. During the last trips, I would stay with my dad’s cousin who was gay. As someone that is naturally curious, I would ask him a lot about the Cuban revolution and sexuality, so we had a lot of conversations. One time, he pulled out gay porn and told me that it was highly illegal to have in Cuba, so he hid it really well. For those of us that live in the US, imagine how you keep your house deed, passport, social sec card, or other documents. That’s how he kept his gay porn. So while there has been progress in sexual liberation, there is still control as well.

    Here’s What He Told Me about Being Gay There

    The population understood that there always were gay people in Cuba. Most people were at least tolerant of it, but the government supported homophobes, so they had the power. However, since there was a sense of general control by the government, some people learned to informally unite in solidarity with the understanding that they were both oppressed despite being for different reasons. So while two different people may have felt that they were oppressed by the government for different reasons, they knew to support each other for mutual benefit. Luckily, his parents, brother, and sister-in-law were very accepting and supported his sexuality. He said that there are cool people everywhere, and it’s a matter of learning how to identify them while also making sure you protect yourself. This is what he said he did to be gay in that environment:

    1. Other people of the same sex that are extra friendly to you might be saying that they find you attractive. There are well-known places for meeting people with romantic and sexual intentions in Cuba. In these areas, if you see a lone person that is well-dressed, walking around slowly and without purpose, and giving people of the same-sex long friendly glances, they are looking for other LGBT. In these cases, you find a way to strike up conversation, with something simple and mostly pointless. If that person stops everything they are doing to give you full attention, then they’re down. So for example, if you see a dude that fits that profile walking around, you ask them for the time, and they stop walking, face you, and wait for more conversation, they are interested. If they quickly respond and continue walking, then they are not.

    2. The gay underground: self-accepting gay people unite in solidarity and introduce other gay people to each other. This is done without explicitly telling either of them they’re gay. Rather, the coordinator says something like, “I think you guys have a lot in common and will get along well. You should spend some time together.”

    3. Act gay/flamboyant while at the same time openly denying it. This creates a visible record in your neighborhood and amongst your social network that you are not gay should you get persecuted by the government. Yet, it’s obvious that something is up with you. Basically, you’re telling everyone you’re gay and defending yourself from government persecution. Another gay person would see this as being a safe person. If you’re ever taken to court, you’ll have lots of witnesses as alibis. The government would also have infiltrated LGBT allies, so when they see this type of case, they know what’s up and can manage the situation in a safe manner. The open denial is merely denial, not hate. They will claim that they are not gay, but will not promote anti-gay sentiment.

    4. Your social network will hint at it. For example, one time I went to my cousin’s apartment to chill. When I got there, his mother told me he went to the beach with a friend and made a little gesture to imply there was more to the story. When he came back with his friend, I was introduced to him. I know knew that his friend was gay.