Is this the same House GOP pressuring universities to expel students for protesting and pushing police to arrest and imprison protesters? That House GOP?
Is this the same House GOP pressuring universities to expel students for protesting and pushing police to arrest and imprison protesters? That House GOP?
Sometimes it takes me forever to get these, if I ever get them at all. This one though… It immediately clicked.
If you traveled back in time and told J. Edgar Hoover that in the future, the American public voluntarily wire-tapped themselves, he would cream his frilly pink panties.
Right? It’s really weird…
The techbros all support Fascism, and any kind of free expression is a roadblock for them to make it happen.
They actually deserve it
You understand that Russians are just people too, right? They aren’t all a bunch of drooling savages who want to murder Ukrainians or anyone else. Not sure how you can say the Russian civilian population deserves to be punished for what their shitty government does. Have you applied that same logic to your own country and its people? Or is that just something you say about faraway places from the comfort of your own home?
Having been to both countries, and made friends in both countries, this whole war really hurts to see. I hate the Russian government, but the Russian people don’t deserve this any more than the Ukrainian people deserve being invaded. I can’t give an opinion on how strategically “necessary” this was in the eyes of Ukrainian military leadership, but it’s sad all the same.
Slightly off topic, but I wish I had the patience to learn how to make these videos. I’ve got some songs I’d love to make videos for, but I get so frustrated with the tedium of using AI tools. Granted, I’ve only ever used SD-Forge, ComfyUI, and the like. I’m not stupid, I just have a hard time staying focused.
Maybe a long shot, but anyone know where I can collaborate with someone to do this?
[insert all my favorite musicians and Anthony Bourdain]
Thanks. It’s an homage to my banned Reddit account.
You don’t need the + to include things on Google.
Yeah I don’t know why I added that. Kinda dumb on my part.
And just for funsies—you can use related: as an operator to find sites that are similar to something.
I think this is what OP was really looking for. I did a Google search for “ukraine related:lemmy -site:reddit.com” and got this, which seems to be the kind of results OP is looking for:
Yeah I’m new to Lemmy and still getting used to the whole instance thing. Apparently you can use “related:” to include results that are similar. In the below example, I did a Google search for “ukraine related:lemmy -site:reddit.com”.
Add this at the end of your search query to omit results from Reddit:
To specifically include results from Lemmy, you can just add a plus sign and replace the site name:
The more likely scenario is that Musk is straight up lying about anything tracing back to a Ukrainian IP address because he’s manufacturing consent against Ukraine.
Dude. Reading package labels is the same for me. I end up having to take a picture with my phone, then zooming in.
I have my PC screen size zoomed in to 125%.
Getting old sucks.
Man I really need to get my eyes checked. I thought the title said “How do you deal with nude customers?”
I mean, my answer is the same regardless: Fuck 'em.
But yeah. I need glasses.