Chuckles… I’m in trouble
My descendent will be turned into to terminator by the out of control AI death robots sent to kill the generations long Canadian insurgency in order to come back in time and take me and my family out.
Walking through the park with a bauggette
I die in a four way sesh-to-the-death match between snoop dog, cheech, Ricky from TBP and myself.
Suddenly and all over the place
I’m not sure, but I’d die happy.
Weird … Is what I’d say
I’m so incredibly okay with this, no matter how the universe opts to interpret it
I dont want to think about it
Most would assume chaos, but in reality it would be my guild saying my name wrong enough times that I finally gave up and changed the “I” to an “L”.
It would be whelming. Just so.
I run away from it, but it finally catches up.