Trans rights are human rights.
So are all other LGBTQ+ rights.
You will never make me believe that Picard would have felt differently, and if you think he would have, I really don’t know how you missed so many of the fundamental messages across all Trek properties.
I didn’t see your comment before the mods removed it, but the beauty of Lemmy is it’s in the modlog.
You’re a disgrace to the fictional character you have chosen for your pfp.
Not trying to be flippant, nor am I criticizing women. This kind of assessment is (IMO) the most likely reason:
Right now it seems he’s getting anything he wants. (gestures at OP) I hope there’s an end to that, but until then, yeah, I must angrily conclude, dude gets shit done. (Using the most reprehensible methods, and with shitty outcomes, but that’s what his base voted for, so I’m quite sure they have few complaints right now.)
actually are criminals
Where was this disdain for criminals at voting time?
Once again the orange toddler throws a tantrum and gets his way.
His cult is right about one thing - he gets shit done. It’s horrible shit, but he gets it done.
A tangentially related suggestion for you, if you share my fascination with the context around the art we make (though you are probably well aware if you’re an old-head haha), there’s an EXCELLENT documentary about the LA hc punk scene that was released during its zenith (arguably) in 1981.
Absolutely was NOT aware, but I will check it out!
he most convincing argument I can make to get people to watch it is that the LAPD chief wrote an op-ed demanding theaters not screen it.
Well shiiiiit bro, that was all you had to say!
Thank you very much!
other “classic punk” recommendations include:
I’m really just about the ideal age to have been an OG Punk fan, but at the time my attention was elsewhere, so I’m excited to crib from this list. 🙂
Yess, I’ve been trying to explore punk. Give me punk bands with lyrics I can understand, and who are vocally critical of conservatism and fascism please.
For myself -
A lot of RATM has floated to the top for me in the past few years. They are in heavy rotation now, and weren’t really for about fifteen years prior to that. The songs you don’t immediately think of when I say RATM have lyrics that are just as true and just as biting. If you like their sound but aren’t familiar with most of their work, this is a good time.
Brother Ali - particularly songs like Uncle Sam Goddamn
Dropkick Murphys, particularly most of the Album “This Machine Still Kills Fascists”
Anti-Flag. I know they have proven to have done some shady things with regard to harassing some women at their shows, but I only just discovered them recently (and learned this about them afterwards.) Unfortunately I like their songs and lyrics. “Victory or Death” comes to mind immediately.
Public Enemy - By the time I get to arizona, Black steel in the hour of chaos, fight the power (obv), fight the power 2020, really I don’t think they do a song that’s not good for the current state of affairs. Over and over in recent years I have concluded that the hip hop community saw what was and what was coming long before (decades before) the rest of us. I wonder why. 🤔
Last couple Arrested Development albums. Good tracks off the top of my head “And This I know” “The Meek” “Amazing” “Fire” “Moses” Gotta listen to these, most aren’t going to leap out with the expected energy if you don’t pay attention to the lyrics all the way through. There are others. Their last three albums have a high percentage of gems IMO.
Really old one by B. Dolan called “Which side are you on?” (loosely based aoround Guthrie song) which is congruent with a lot of today’s issues, though I think it was written primarily in support of this woman. Gonna link it here because I just listened to it again and damn does it slap.
A lot of what I listed above is unsurprisingly posted by me or others in !
And the last gasp of our conservatives as the final pillar of the whitehouse collapses into a flaming wreck due to Trumps ridiculous toddler-like mismanagement of everything will be to blame it all on the Democrats.
rip you guys are gonna get couped
Seems to me we got couped. It was just mostly domestically bloodless. So far.
You are correct, I misread what they wrote despite quoting it. Whoops. 🙂
Edit - My mistake, I somehow was blind to the first in-.
In a tolerant society we must be intolerant of intolerance.
No we musn’t. The intolerant have broken the social contract and are no longer extended that latitude.
Processing your words is how I determined that you don’t consider us human
Well, goodbye now, and good luck. You can reply if you like, but I won’t see it.
Objectively incorrect
[citation needed]
And no, Isreal is not killing nearly as many people,
so far
This is why I usually try not to label myself these days. Invariably there is nuance that I’m not aware of, or that some others interpret differently.
I’m NOT a democrat, republican, conservative, communist, socialist, liberal, maga, or anarchist.
But I lean left on social issues, often hard left, though I say that while also saying I’m firmly anti-authoritarian. And I don’t really put fiscal on a separate axis because there are fiscal impacts to any set of beliefs with regard to how various social issues should be considered. I’m also not at all conversant in the slightest bit of nuance regarding how the economy works.
I’m sure some folks would call me a leftist based on the above. Others would insist I’m a liberal. Am I a progressive? Not sure.