Sophisticated murder is still murder. People were still sent to camps based on their ethnicity and were worked or starved to death at least (if you’re about to deny the death camps)
This genocide is more barbaric, bloodthirsty and sloppy but let’s not pretend like the Nazis are suddenly looking better because they were better organized
TIL that Nazis constructed a vast network of industrial slaughterhouses for jews, gays, disabled etc. because Nazi’s didn’t believe in killing everything and everyone, only those that opposed them.
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Given they destroyed ship delivering food to the UK. Knowing the UK imported something like 50+% of all food at the time.
The UK also did much the same. Bombing rail etc.
Starving the population was an intentional side effect of trying to limit resources getting to an enemy.
So the honest answer is things were less efficient.
But starvation has been a common practice since rome. Salting the fieilds etc. And likely before then.
Honestly the Geneva convention was the first time anyone expected otherwise.
Sophisticated murder is still murder. People were still sent to camps based on their ethnicity and were worked or starved to death at least (if you’re about to deny the death camps)
This genocide is more barbaric, bloodthirsty and sloppy but let’s not pretend like the Nazis are suddenly looking better because they were better organized
Hey maybe let’s don’t downplay how many groups got sent to death camps just for existing, yeah?
Kinda victim-blaming with the jews there.
TIL that Nazis constructed a vast network of industrial slaughterhouses for jews, gays, disabled etc. because Nazi’s didn’t believe in killing everything and everyone, only those that opposed them.