- Fire(place)
- Ebb and flow of water at shorelines
- water droplets dropping
- winds
- storms
- fish swimming
- bird baths
- bugs “chirping”
By ambient, i mean something that is both stochastic and also sort of repetitive and something you could have happening in the background that is enjoyable in a furniture music/video kind of sense. You dont really pay attention to it but its good company that prevents deathly silence if that makes sense
You dont hear it as much anymore but the sounds of bugs. Their various chirps, scrapes, and vibrations build a sort of background chant to the woods of Florida.
Yes! Whats your favorite or some particularly interesting specific examples if you were to search it?
I always liked the pulsating chirps of a chorus of crickets and grasshoppers. When a whole choir is together out there in the dark among the fireflies it made an enchanted scene. Sometimes an occasional dragonfly coptering in to break up the flow.
NW Florida here! I’m 54 and nothing about the environment/ecology terrifies me more than the crash of our insect populations. We’ve kicked the bottom out of the food chain.
In my 20-years here I’ve seen the ecology change on my front porch. Can’t remember the last time I saw an incoming swarm of bugs on the highway and had to stop and clean the windshield.
But hey! Went to Nashville last year and experienced the Cicadapocalypse! That was intense, never seen anything like it.
I mean… it’s not, quite nature… but a massive cornfield, surrounded by more cornfields, surrounded by more cornfields.
One of my relatives is a farmer and I remember sitting on his porch and hearing absolutely nothing, nothing but corn. His neighbors grew corn, his neighbor’s neighbors grew corn. It was just, pure corn stalks. Everywhere.
No bugs chirping
No birds flapping
No squirrels running around
No cars on the road
No planes in the sky
Just wind through fucktons of corn. It was so surreal. It was the closest thing I’ve ever heard to total silence. It was like living in a barren wasteland but everything was green, with endless food. It was both chill and unsettling all at the same time.
In the waters around coral reefs I’ve always noticed a constant clicking/scraping nose. I was told as a kid that’s the sound of the coral polyps but I never really looked into it. Grew up snorkeling a whole lot in my home country and that was the first thing your post made me think of.
Do you ever just listen to the sound of the reef? The crackling and popping that you hear in the background that are not bubbles, are sounds of the reef. Fish doing fish things, shrimp doing shrimp things, etc.
Old gf of mine told me the popping we heard snorkeling was parrotfish chipping coral. Made sense because we were near coral and our beaches (NW Florida) are pure white. YMMV according to geography.
Late summer wind in trees: the sound made by the leaves. I specified late summer because as the season progresses the leaves get less soft and make more sound, at least in my part of the world.
I for one am stoked to see your upcoming furniture music video