Legit thought this was just a personal collection to choose from. Gotta mix n’ match throughout the day, ya know. Perhaps start with a little masturbation, then 10 straight hours video games, followed by some flirtatious bdsm for dinner, finished off (gigiddy) with a bit more masturbation when you realize this is all a fantasy and your actually just sad and all alone . . .
P.S. Autocorrect really hates the word masturbation, lol, fuckin prude
actually just sad and all alone
Geez, dude, stop with the arrows to my heart. I do laugh at the not-really-a contradiction of masturbation and bdsm.
Don’t worry, I stabbed myself with the arrows first
Half of that is just ADHD
ThIs iS aDhD, THat’S AdHd, evErytHinG Is aDhD.
What did you say? I was busy thinking of what I would do in crazy scenarios that will never happen.
Which ones
Masturbation and 10h gaming strait
Does gaming after 10 hours of masturbation count?
Finding the right video for 10 hours?
6/8, 75%. Damn barely above average even here
I got 5/7.
Just 2 short of a perfect score
6/8 for life, bro!
Replace playing video games with doomscolling, and I’m 6/8 as well 😂
it’d be easier with two hands. but in a pinch, you could do the whole set with just one.
Pls explain how to starve and binge 3k Cal simultaneously
Take up endurance sports…
Starve yourself all week while training, do a 30k long run on the weekend, then eat 2 days worth of food in onr sitting.
I won’t eat all day and half the night, then just demolish a whole bunch of food thats terribly bad for you.
I cant speak for everyone but for me it depends on the day which one itll be.
I prefer the sample platter and have a taste for the week
I got 3. 4 if I manage to get laid.
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