Ok. So its something im sorta frustrated with in movie and film plots. Its where the characters seem to intentionally not tell other characters things for apparently no reason. So its like a fair amount of the plot would not exist if the characters would just mention relevant things. This is usually in fantasy types like in particular I am seeing it with the magicians and school spirits. I mean maybe behavior like this is common outside my experience but its weird to me.
Just got done marathoning Cobra Kai. The entire premise of about 90%+ of the conflicts on that show are based off this very trope. It was even more obvious when watching back to back seasons and they seem to show tons of character growth when someone actually talks, only for those same characters to go right back to the toxic silence immediately in the next episode.
Ugh, I’m glad I never picked it up then. It has come recommended by so many people but I’ve been reluctant to invest in it.
Makes me wonder what people see in that kind of plot line. I just find it unsatisfying and frustrating.