I plan to go to work like it’s any other day, including not getting any holiday pay. I will try not to roll my eyes as customers tell me it sucks I have to work, even while they themselves are the reason I have to work.
Was in retail for 24 years. Holidays aren’t nearly as fun for those keeping things going.
However, I did learn a lesson about gas stations (at least the brand I was going to) where I had forgotten to get gas prior to Christmas and had to travel to see family that day. I stopped at the gas station, the pumps weren’t accepting cards and I had to go in. I apologized to the attendant and she said, “don’t apologize. I’m getting triple time and this one day will pay for all of Christmas for my kids.” She was happy as hell to be getting paid what she felt she was worth and it was a quiet day for her.
Not worth it for me personally, and a lot of us I’m sure, but not everyone hates it.
Yeah and don’t forget that some people (although not necessarily a ton in the western world) don’t celebrate Christmas either. It was interesting to me because I met a young person the other day born in the US but to immigrant parents. Despite being born and raised in the US, he (and his family) don’t celebrate Christmas or anything.
In line with yours, I remember always being happy to work certain holidays like new years or memorial day or whatever because they aren’t holidays to me and I would get extra pay for being there.
My guess, supermarket?
Yeah that makes more sense
I mean, I guess it is indirectly the customers fault but the
storehotel owner is the one that’s making the explicit decision. Don’t hate the player, hate the game, etc.Edit: that does really suck though
Damn dude, I seriously hope things get better for you. :(
Bro capitalism isn’t gonna end because of Christmas Eve. You have to work because that’s the job you currently have.
Fortunately I absolutely get to refuse service to anyone giving me that kind of condescending attitude.
Sounds like you don’t or you wouldn’t be working…
I’ve taken my partner and kids interstate to see family we haven’t seen in 2 1/2 years, whilst bushfires are burning not far from our home.
We’re due to fly back on Boxing Day, and not sure what we’re going back to yet.
I’m putting on a brave face for our kiddos, especially our 4 year old who is really into Christmas this year, but we’re terrified what things look like in a couple days.
I’m sorry to hear this. Hope you come home to an unblemished home!
Xanax and wish it was 2020 again
You enjoyed 2020?
My partner and I were laid off December 2019. In February 2020 my government started giving us both a lot of money every month. We were not working from 2020 until 2022, and made money anyway. We spent all of our time together, at home, going out as little as possible, doing everything we loved (we have all of the same hobbies and are homebodies).
Best years of our lives.
Yeah borrowing from the future is fun. Until the future arrives. :/
Whatcha mean!
It’s like living off credit cards. It’s fun until the limit runs out and now you have to pay it all back.
I don’t quite understand. I didn’t have to pay anything back, we just saved a ton of money and bought a bunch of index funds hahaha.
We all paid and are paying it back via inflation.
(At least that’s how it is in my country)
Well we got to see the nations lowest forms of life throw a largely ineffective temper tantrum. What’s not to enjoy?
You didn’t? For once in my life I had a good excuse to stay at home and do nothing! On the rare occasion I did need to go out, the air was clean and the highways were empty.
I wish every year was like 2020.
More 12+ hour shifts to appease the blood gods my bosses worship known to us mortals as “the shareholders”
12+ hour shifts
Wow, you must be making a lot of
surplus valuemoney for yourself, yourTed Lasso fascist PMC Neoliberal mastersbosses, andfinance capitalthe shareholders
I’ll be alone. I lost my mother in August, so i’m an orphan now (my dad died 5 years ago)
I’m not sad or in need of pitty though. I just need my alone time to think things over. Christmas is as good a time as any :)
Here in Germany, we celebrate mostly on Christmas Eve. I have a couple of hours left to get ready before my stepdad picks me up. We’ll visit my grandma who sadly has to spend the holidays in hospital because she fell and hurt her knee. After that, Christmas dinner at my mom’s and stepdad’s house with most of the family, gifts and a relaxed evening. I’ll stay over night, have breakfast and then go home to finish packing everything I need for my winter vacation which starts on the 26th.
It’s been an exhausting year and I can really use the downtime.
My wife and I pick a country each year and plan our Christmas Eve dinner to make of food from that country. This year we picked The Gambia so it is going to be domoda (peanut stew) and thiakry (millet couscous pudding).
For me personally, I’m gonna stay up for Christmas Eve and watch NORAD Tracks Santa.
Always is a great pass time to watch Santa’s journey across the world, and is also a great tool to know his location and to know when he will arrive in your location/area. It’s one of the best things of the Christmas season for sure!
Already did the family thing on Sunday and survived.
My partner and I will be celebrating with friends, they are also not Christmas and especially family Christmas fans. We are just going playing jack box, baldur’s gate and probably some board games. So I’m a bit excited for first Christmas day, but we will not do anything traditional Christmasy.
It’s for me one of the most stressful time’s of the year.
Wow I thought panthers were dangerous
They are basically big kitties, kitties are lovely. So panthers are also lovely but bigger. It’s just science
A quiet evening with my wife. We’re making a Sichuan-style hot pot.
Psychedelic mushrooms. They’re legal here (Oakland, CA).
Today we’re not doing anything, and it will be glorious. Tomorrow we’re exchanging gifts (my wife, the dog*, and I) cooking up a ham with beans and asparagus, and watching Christmas movies.
*she didn’t get us anything, but we still love her
Rest, relax, family and beer 🍻 🍻
I just did a little work, my wife is setting the table for dinner and then we will drink and watch movies together.
I’ve been looking forward to it all week.
Going to a nursing home to visit my grandmother today, then preparing some of the dinner for tomorrow. Tomorrow doing the whole Santa gifts routine, preparing the dinner and moving furniture around to prepare for guests. Have dinner, have some fun with the guests, then relax the rest of the day and watch TV.