How did you get this picture of me every fucking day since reaching adulthood?
Me when I wake up at 2AM vs me when I have to wake up at 6AM
I’d find it hard to get any good night’s rest when 4 rambunctious teenagers want to hangout in your living room, watch tv, and order pizza all night.
Only if you let them
I have insomnia due to bi-polar. This couldn’t be more true. It took many years to learn how to manage it.
Have you tried reversing the polarity?
I finally listened to what my body was trying to tell me and got a 3rd shift job.
That yellow sweater was making her drowsy.
It could be the blue shirt keeping her awake. In any case, switching is recommended
It’s thick and warm. That’s why.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it ☑
Why is my hair so long in these portrayals?
Sleep… what’s “sleep”?
Literally me right now.
every. single. day. 😫
There’s a solution, but it requires not having both hands visible in the last frame (or even better, having a partner)
While this works; am I the only one that feels like waking up, the day after, is harder, like the sleep was worse quality?
Not sponsored but MidNite™ Back To Sleep melting tablets have eradicated this struggle so I can spend less time trying to sleep and more time working.
I looked it up and it’s just 1.5mg melatonin. If you’re in the USA you can find dozens of brands with the same thing. Gummies, chewables, etc.
Yeah but that particular brand actually worked on me lmao. The others with higher doses were as good as just wishing I could sleep
Higher isn’t necessarily better when it comes to melatonin.
Yeah that’s the point I’m trying to make. What’s in that particular brand that actually works?
Ah, looks like lemon balm, chamomile, and magnesium sterate are the ingredients I recognize.
Chamomile, you can find herbal sleepy time teas with it. The only downside is now you have an extra cup of liquid to possibly wake you up in the middle of the night.
Magnesium you can get in bulk. Iirc sterate is one of the easier ones to absorb. Magnesium citrate is also available, but may give you the runs if you take too much and it’s not as readily absorbed.
Lemon balm is a common herbal sleep aid.
There are bunches more possibilities. The one that usually worked for me was skullcap as far as I could tell. Hops is another common one as is valerian root.
That’s awesome that you found a combo that works for you, just remember that none of them are good long term, either for buildup side effects or tolerance, with the exception of melatonin.
This really sounds like an ad. Also, using drugs to fall asleep probably isn’t a great long term strategy.
Edit: I think I just commented on a post you made yesterday about involuntary twitching, that could be related lol
I’ve had the twitching my whole life.
Also I’m not getting paid lmao